Adopt & Donate

Hello everyone!

My name is Kornelia and together with my life partner, Arber, have founded Dog Coaching Center in Tirana in 2015. 

All my life I have been near pets and trying to help them. Eleven years ago I co-founded the first animal rescue organization in Albania and since then my life’s purpose has been helping stray animals. 

After studying veterinary medicine, my life got closer with animals and it was easier for me to be near my true passion.

Our family is made of 2 humans and 5 dogs. All of our dogs are rescues from the streets of Tirana. They are: Ziko 13 years old, rescued in 2011; Ulka 11 years, rescued in 2014; Alaska 5 years old, rescued in 2019; Dea 12 years old, rescued in 2019; and Junior 4 year old who was rescued in 2020.

Adopt Churro

Mix Breed


Adopt Mayka

Dogo Argentino

Adopt Tiago

Black Great Pyrenean


Mbështetja juaj, shansi i tyre i dytë për një jetë më të lumtur dhe më të shëndetshme

Në Dog Coaching Center, ne vlerësojmë ndihmën dhe pjesëmarrjen e komunitetit tonë. Nëse jeni të interesuar për të dhënë një dorë të ndihmoni qentë në rrugën e tyre drejt një jete më të lumtur dhe të shëndetshme, ju lutemi të merrni në konsideratë të donacionet ose vullnetarizmin. Çdo kontribut, qoftë ai financiar ose kohor, bën një ndryshim të madh. Bashkohuni me ne sot dhe ndani dashurinë tuaj me ata që kanë nevojë

This is not the first time we are fostering dogs in our residence. Some of the dogs and cats that we have fostered in the past and you might know from our social media Caña, Guapa, Vodka, Erkolina, Kiko, Leo, Pana, Tokyo, ect. Even though all the pets that come into our lives are sweet and beautiful, it is easier for us to help even more, by constantly finding good families after fostering and fulfilling their needs.

We have a dog residence in Tirana (Albania) and offer several pet services, starting from Premium Dog Hotel, Dog Daycare, Dog Training and Rehabilitation. While managing the business, our main purpose is to raise awareness and advocate to people about adopting and fostering stray dogs in Albania. 

Our country has a very big problem regarding stray dogs / cats and not too many people are adopting, while a lot are buying and breeding. There are only a limited number of private shelters trying to foster and adopt dogs in Albania or abroad, while the local authorities are making the life of stray animals more difficult by creating kill campaigns throughout the country. 

Trying to help by raising awareness gets difficult with the limited funding we get from our pet business.

All the time we try to use social media as a source to help people that need to hear about adoption, foster and owner education to prevent abandonment; promoting the good work other local organizations are doing; and fostering / rehabilitating foster dogs and cats before finding a perfect family for them. So much has changed in the last 5 years and we think that our work has impacted and also inspired a lot of people.

Today we are here to ask for your help, in making our impact even stronger in this society, through your donations to this big cause. You probably know that there is a long ride for a dog from rescuing them from the street to the forever loving family. 

There are a great deal of expenses and time invested in them, starting from our awareness raising campaigns, foster, medical, training and rehabilitation, finding a good family, and transport or papers for traveling. I would be so grateful for your financial support with our expenses. 

You could also help by sharing our campaign with your friends and family, or by reaching us in our social media to adopt or foster. Thank you for helping support us rehabilitate and find loving homes for all of our rescue pets.